
The base plotting class to interface into matplotlib or (someday 3D) VTK. In the future hopefully we’ll be able to make a general-purpose PlottingBackend class that doesn’t need to be matplotlib . Builds off of the Graphics class to make a unified and convenient interface to generating plots. Some sophisticated legwork unfortunately has to be done vis-a-vis tracking constructed lines and other plotting artefacts, since matplotlib is designed to infuriate.

Properties and Methods


__init__(self, *params, method='plot', figure=None, axes=None, subplot_kw=None, plot_style=None, theme=None, **opts): 
  • params: Any

    empty or x, y arrays or function, xrange

  • plot_style: dict | None

    the plot styling options to be fed into the plot method

  • method: str

    the method name as a string

  • figure: Graphics | None

    the Graphics object on which to plot (None means make a new one)

  • axes: None

    the axes on which to plot (used in constructing a Graphics, None means make a new one)

  • subplot_kw: dict | None

    the keywords to pass on when initializing the plot

  • colorbar: None | bool | dict

    whether to use a colorbar or what options to pass to the colorbar

  • opts: Any

    options to be fed in when initializing the Graphics


plot(self, *params, **plot_style): 

Plots a set of data & stores the result

  • :returns: _

    the graphics that matplotlib made



Removes the plotted data


restyle(self, **plot_style): 

Replots the data with updated plot styling

  • plot_style: Any

    No description…



The data that we plotted



The styling options applied to the plot


add_colorbar(self, graphics=None, norm=None, **kw): 

Adds a colorbar to the plot


Regular matplotlib plotting syntax works:

import numpy as np
from McUtils.Plots import *

grid = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 100)
plot = Plot(grid, np.sin(grid))


You can also set a background / axes labels / other options

plot = Plot(grid, np.sin(grid),
        axes_labels = ['x', Styled("sin(x)", color='white', fontsize=15)],
        ticks_style={'color':'pink', 'labelcolor':'pink'},
        background = "rebeccapurple",


lots of styling can sometimes be easier to manage with the theme option, which uses matplotlib’s rcparams:

from cycler import cycler # installed with matplotlib

base_plot = Plot(grid, np.sin(grid),
        theme = ('mccoy', 
                     'axes.prop_cycle': cycler(color=['white', 'pink', 'red']),
        axes_labels = ['x', "sin(x)"],


it’s worth noting that these styles are “sticky” when updating the figure

Plot(grid, np.cos(grid), figure=base_plot)


Plot(grid, np.cos(.1+grid), figure=base_plot)


You can also plot a function over a given range

Plot(lambda x: np.sin(4*x), [0, 2*np.pi])


and you can also specify the step size for sampling the plotting range

Plot(lambda x: np.sin(4*x), [0, 2*np.pi, np.pi/10])


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