
A base class for 3D plots

Properties and Methods


__init__(self, *params, plot_style=None, method='plot_surface', colorbar=None, figure=None, axes=None, subplot_kw=None, **opts): 
  • params: Any

    either empty or x, y, z arrays or function, xrange, yrange

  • plot_style: dict | None

    the plot styling options to be fed into the plot method

  • method: str

    the method name as a string

  • figure: Graphics | None

    the Graphics object on which to plot (None means make a new one)

  • axes: None

    the axes on which to plot (used in constructing a Graphics, None means make a new one)

  • subplot_kw: dict | None

    the keywords to pass on when initializing the plot

  • colorbar: None | bool | dict

    whether to use a colorbar or what options to pass to the colorbar

  • opts: Any

    options to be fed in when initializing the Graphics


plot(self, *params, **plot_style): 


add_colorbar(self, **kw): 


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