
The FiniteDifferenceFunction encapsulates a bunch of functionality extracted from Fornberger’s Calculation of Wieghts in Finite Difference Formulas (

Only applies to direct product grids, but each subgrid can be regular or irregular

Properties and Methods

regular_difference: method
from_grid: method


__init__(self, *diffs, axes=0, contract=False): 

Constructs an object to take finite differences derivatives of grids of data

  • diffs: FiniteDifference1D

    A set of differences to take along successive axes in the data

  • axes: int | Iterable[int]

    The axes to take the specified differences along

  • contract: bool

    Whether to reduce the shape of the returned tensor if applicable after application


apply(self, vals, axes=None, mesh_spacing=None, contract=None): 

Iteratively applies the stored finite difference objects to the vals

  • vals: np.ndarray

    The tensor of values to take the difference on

  • axes: int | Iterable[int]

    The axis or axes to take the differences along (defaults to self.axes)

  • :returns: np.ndarray

    The tensor of derivatives


__call__(self, vals, axes=None, mesh_spacing=None): 


  • :returns: tuple[int]

    the order of the derivative requested


  • :returns: tuple[np.array[float]]

    the weights for the specified stencil


  • :returns: tuple[(int, int)]

    the number of points in each dimension, left and right, for the specified stencil



The FiniteDifferenceFunction encapsulates a bunch of functionality extracted from Fornberger’s Calculation of Wieghts in Finite Difference Formulas (

Only applies to direct product grids, but each subgrid can be regular or irregular

Properties and Methods

regular_difference: method
from_grid: method


__init__(self, *diffs, axes=0, contract=False): 

Constructs an object to take finite differences derivatives of grids of data

  • diffs: FiniteDifference1D

    A set of differences to take along successive axes in the data

  • axes: int | Iterable[int]

    The axes to take the specified differences along

  • contract: bool

    Whether to reduce the shape of the returned tensor if applicable after application


apply(self, vals, axes=None, mesh_spacing=None, contract=None): 

Iteratively applies the stored finite difference objects to the vals

  • vals: np.ndarray

    The tensor of values to take the difference on

  • axes: int | Iterable[int]

    The axis or axes to take the differences along (defaults to self.axes)

  • :returns: np.ndarray

    The tensor of derivatives


__call__(self, vals, axes=None, mesh_spacing=None): 


  • :returns: tuple[int]

    the order of the derivative requested


  • :returns: tuple[np.array[float]]

    the weights for the specified stencil


  • :returns: tuple[(int, int)]

    the number of points in each dimension, left and right, for the specified stencil


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