Listing of Helpful Numpy Functions
This is a listing of functions in numpy/scipy that members of the group have found particularly useful. The idea isn’t to be a complete listing nor to provide detailed documentation. Rather we’re hoping that this will serve as a jumping off point for you to investigate for yourself and keep you from feeling like you’re drowning in the docs.
We’ve provided the broad topics, General, DMC, and DVR, Optimization
- arange: creates an array of evenly spaced values over a given interval
- linspace: creates an array of evenly spaced values of a given number over a given interval
- average: takes the average of an array
- argsort: returns the indices of the sorted array
- argmax: returns the indices of the maximum element
- argwhere/where: return either indices (argwhere) or elements (where) chosen that fulfill a certain condition.
- logical operations: returns elementwise truth values of an array given two conditions using logical_and, logical_xor, etc.
- sort/lexsort: sort will sort elements along a specified axis, lexsort allows you to do nested sorting (sort by array a, then array b)
- exp: calculates the exponential
- power: raises a value to a given power (NumPy equivalent of
) - pi: returns the value of pi
- rad2deg/deg2rad: converts to and from degrees/radians.
- Also look at other constants numpy knows here
- zeros: creates a new array full of the value
- ones: creates a new array full of the value
- eye: creates an identity matrix of whatever size you need
- array: creates a numpy array (useful for making lists into numpy arrays)
- reshape: reshapes an array
- delete: deletes specified elements of an array
- transpose: tranposes the elements of an array
- diag: either brodcasts a 1D array to the diagional of a 2D array or pulls the diagonal of a 2D array
- column_stack: stacks 1D arrays column-wise into a 2D array
- concatentate: concatenate arrays along a specified axis
- in1d: checks if elements of one array are in another
- flip: returns the reversed array. Last element is first, etc.
Linear Algebra
- dot: computes a dot product of 2 arrays
- inner: computes the inner porduct of 2 arrays
- outer: computes the outer product of 2 arrays
Note: If you use
import numpy as np
in order to call these functions you will need to usenp.linalg.norm
. Or, you can doimport numpy.linalg as la
and dola.norm
- norm: gets the norm of a vector
- eigh: computes the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a Hermitian matrix
- For more see here
- random.random: generates a random number between two inputs
- random.normal: generates a random number chosen from a normal (gaussian) distribution.
- unique: how many unique elements in an array, can return counts and/or indices. Good for discrete descendant weighting.
Adding to the List
If you want to add to the list, feel free. All we’re gonna ask is that you follow a basic template. First decide which of the existing headings your function should go under, then add your function using Markdown like
* [<name of function>](<URL of documentation page>): brief description of what it does
At this point in time, that’s all we’re asking, but the hope is that it’ll keep entropy at bay.
Usage Examples
NumPy 101
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