
A representation of a coordinate system. It doesn’t do much on its own but it does provide a way to unify internal, cartesian, derived type coordinates

return_derivs_key: str


__init__(self, name=None, basis=None, matrix=None, inverse=None, dimension=None, origin=None, coordinate_shape=None, jacobian_prep=None, converter_options=None, **extra): 

Sets up the CoordinateSystem object

  • name: str

    a name to give to the coordinate system

  • basis: Any

    a basis for the coordinate system

  • matrix: np.ndarray | None

    an expansion coefficient matrix for the set of coordinates in its basis

  • dimension: Iterable[None | int]

    the dimension of a single configuration in the coordinate system (for validation)

  • jacobian_prep: function | None

    a function for preparing coordinates to be used in computing the Jacobian

  • coordinate_shape: iterable[int]

    the actual shape of a single coordinate in the coordinate system


__call__(self, coords, **opts): 


pre_convert(self, system): 

A hook to allow for handlign details before converting

  • system: Any
  • :returns: _


  • :returns: CoordinateSystem

    T h e

b a s i s

f o r

t h e

r e p r e s e n t a t i o n

o f

` m a t r i x `


  • :returns: np.ndarray

    T h e

o r i g i n

f o r

t h e

e x p a n s i o n

d e f i n e d

b y

` m a t r i x `



The matrix representation in the CoordinateSystem.basis None is shorthand for the identity matrix

  • :returns: np.ndarray

    m a t



The inverse of the representation in the basis. None is shorthand for the inverse or pseudoinverse of matrix.

  • :returns: np.ndarray

    i n v



The dimension of the coordinate system. None means unspecified dimension

  • :returns: int or None

    d i m


converter(self, system): 

Gets the converter from the current system to a new system

  • system: CoordinateSystem

    the target CoordinateSystem

  • :returns: CoordinateSystemConverter

    c o n v e r t e r

o b j e c t


convert_coords(self, coords, system, converter=None, **kw): 

Converts coordiantes from the current coordinate system to system

  • coords: CoordinateSet
  • system: CoordinateSystem
  • kw: Any

    options to be passed through to the converter object

  • :returns: tuple(np.ndarray, dict)

    t h e

c o n v e r t e d

c o o r d i a n t e s


rescale(self, scaling, in_place=False): 


rotate(self, rot, in_place=False): 


displacement(self, amts): 

Generates a displacement or matrix of displacements based on the vector or matrix amts The relevance of this method has become somewhat unclear…

  • amts: np.ndarray
  • :returns: np.ndarray


derivatives(self, coords, function, order=1, coordinates=None, result_shape=None, **finite_difference_options): 

Computes derivatives for an arbitrary function with respect to this coordinate system. Basically a more flexible version of jacobian.

  • function: Any
  • order: Any
  • coordinates: Any
  • finite_difference_options: Any
  • :returns: np.ndarray

    d e r i v a t i v e

t e n s o r


jacobian(self, coords, system, order=1, coordinates=None, converter_options=None, all_numerical=False, analytic_deriv_order=None, **finite_difference_options): 

Computes the Jacobian between the current coordinate system and a target coordinate system

  • system: CoordinateSystem

    the target CoordinateSystem

  • order: int | Iterable[int]

    the order of the Jacobian to compute, 1 for a standard, 2 for the Hessian, etc.

  • coordinates: None | iterable[iterable[int] | None

    a spec of which coordinates to generate derivatives for (None means all)

  • mesh_spacing: float | np.ndarray

    the spacing to use when displacing

  • prep: None | function

    a function for pre-validating the generated coordinate values and grids

  • fd_options: Any

    options to be passed straight through to FiniteDifferenceFunction

  • :returns: np.ndarray

    d e r i v a t i v e

t e n s o r



Provides a clean representation of a CoordinateSystem for printing

  • :returns: str


is_compatible(self, system): 


has_conversion(self, system): 



