
A simple plugin to work like pickle, in that it should hopefully support serializing arbitrary python objects, but which doesn’t attempt to put stuff down to a single bytearray, instead supporting objects with to_state and from_state methods by converting them to more primitive serializble types like arrays, strings, numbers, etc. Falls back to naive pickling when necessary.


__init__(self, allow_pickle=False, protocol=1, b64encode=False): 


to_state(self, obj, cache=None): 

Tries to extract state from obj, first through its to_state interface, but that failing by recursively walking the object tree

  • obj: Any
  • :returns: _


serialize(self, obj, cache=None): 

Serializes an object first by checking for a to_state method, and that missing, by converting to primitive-ish types in a recursive strategy if the object passes is_simple, otherwise falling back to pickle

  • obj: Any

    object to be serialized

  • :returns: dict

    s p e c

f o r

t h e

p s e u d o - p i c k l e d

d a t a


deserialize(self, spec): 

Deserializes from an object spec, dispatching to regular pickle where necessary

  • object: Any
  • :returns: _



