
Provides utilities for setting up platform-independent parallelism in a hopefully unobtrusive way.

This is used more extensively in Psience, but the design is to unify the MPI and multiprocessing APIs so that one can simply pass in a Parallelizer object to a function and obtain parallelism over as many processes as that object supports. As a fallthrough, a SerialNonParallelizer is provided as a subclass that handles serial evaluation with the same API so fewer special cases need to be checked. Any function that supports parallelism should take the parallelizer keyword, which will be fed the Parallelizer object itself.



The simplest parallelism is just parallelizing with multiprocessing over a single function

def run_job(parallelizer=None):
    if parallelizer.on_main:
        data = np.arange(1000)
        data = None
    if parallelizer.on_main:
        flag = "woop"
        flag = None
    test = parallelizer.broadcast(flag) # send a flag from the main process to all the workers
    data = parallelizer.scatter(data)
    lens = parallelizer.gather(len(data))
    return lens

[67, 67, 67, 67, 67, 67, 67, 67, 67, 67, 66, 66, 66, 66, 66]

This will make sure a Pool of workers gets set up and will create communication channels from the main process to the works, then each process will run run_job, spreading the data out with scatter and bringing it back with gather.

This paradigm can be handled more simply with map. Here we’ll map a function over blocks of data

def mapped_func(self, data):
    return 1 + data
def map_applier(n=10, parallelizer=None):
    if parallelizer.on_main:
        data = np.arange(n)
        data = None
    return, data)

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

but all of these will work equivalently well if the parallelizer were a MPIParallelizer instead (with correct run setup).

This also adapts itself well to more object-oriented solutions. Here’s a sample class that can effectively use a parallelizer

class SampleProgram:
    def __init__(self, nvals=1000, parallelizer=None):
        if not isinstance(parallelizer, Parallelizer):
            parallelizer = Parallelizer.lookup(parallelizer) # `Parallelizer` supports a registry in case you want to give a name
        self.par = parallelizer
        self.nvals = nvals
    def initialize_data(self):
        data = np.random.rand(self.nvals)
        # could be more expensive too
        return data
    def eval_parallel(self, data, parallelizer=None):
        data = parallelizer.scatter(data)
        # this would usually be much more sophisticated
        res = data**2
        return parallelizer.gather(res)
    def run_main(self, parallelizer=None):
        A function to be run by the main processes, setting
        up data, scattering, gathering, and post-processing
        data = self.initialize_data()
        vals = self.eval_parallel(data, parallelizer=parallelizer)
        post_process = np.sqrt(vals)
        return post_process
    def run_worker(self, parallelizer=None):
        A function to be run by the worker processes, really
        just doing the parallel work
        self.eval_parallel(None, parallelizer=parallelizer)
    def run_par(self, parallelizer=None):
        Something to be called by all processes
        return self.run_main(parallelizer=parallelizer)
    def run(self):
        Boilerplate runner
        print("Running with {}".format(self.par))

and we can easily add in a parallelizer at run time.

First serial evaluation

Running with SerialNonParallelizer(id=0, nprocs=1)

array([0.08772434, 0.18266685, 0.11234067, 0.4918653 , 0.30925003,
       0.43065691, 0.8271145 , 0.52147149, 0.13801914, 0.92917295])

but adding in parallelism is straightforward

SampleProgram(nvals=10, parallelizer=MultiprocessingParallelizer()).run()
Running with MultiprocessingParallelizer(id=None, nprocs=None)

array([0.5852531 , 0.63836097, 0.40315219, 0.04769397, 0.5226616 ,
       0.68647924, 0.30869102, 0.01006922, 0.07439768, 0.83100183])

To support MPI-style calling, a ClientServerRunner is also provided.



