
A module for making use of the results of calculations run by the Gaussian electronic structure package. We’d like to be able to also support the NWChem and Psi4 packages, but haven’t had the time, yet, to write it out.

Two main avenues of support are provided:

  1. importing Gaussian results
  2. setting up Gaussian jobs

The first is likely to be more useful to you, but we’re hoping to be able to hook (2.) into the Psience.Molecools package. The goal there is to provide automated support for setting up scans of molecular vibrations & the like.

There are already direct hooks into (1.) in Psience.Data through the DipoleSurface and PotentialSurface objects. These are still in the prototype stage, but hopefully will allow us to unify strands of our Gaussian support, and also make it easy to unify support for Psi4 and NWChem data, once we have the basic interface down.



FChk Parsing

Gaussian .fchk files have a set structure which looks roughly like

key    data_type     data_size

This allows us to provide a complete parser for any key. The actual parser is a subclass of [Parsers.FileStreamReader](../Parsers/) called GaussianFchkReader.

The syntax to parse is straightforward

target_keys = {"Current cartesian coordinates", "Numerical dipole derivatives"}
with GaussianFchkReader("/path/to/output.log") as parser:
    res = parser.parse(target_keys)

and to access properties you will pull them from the dict, res

my_coords = res["Current cartesian coordinates"]

Log Parsing

Gaussian .log files are totally unstructured (and a bit of a disaster). This means we need to write custom parsing logic for every field we might want. The basic supported formats are defined in The actual parser is a subclass of Parsers.FileStreamReader called GaussianLogReader.

The syntax to parse is straightforward

target_keys = {"StandardCartesianCoordinates", "DipoleMoments"}
with GaussianLogReader("/path/to/output.log") as parser:
    res = parser.parse(target_keys)

and to access properties you will pull them from the dict, res

my_coords = res["StandardCartesianCoordinates"]

Adding New Parsing Fields

New parse fields can be added by registering a property on GaussianLogComponents. Each field is defined as a dict like

GaussianLogComponents["Name"] = {
    "description" : string, # used for docmenting what we have
    "tag_start"   : start_tag, # starting delimeter for a block
    "tag_end"     : end_tag, # ending delimiter for a block None means apply the parser upon tag_start
    "parser"      : parser, # function that'll parse the returned list of blocks (for "List") or block (for "Single")
    "mode"        : mode # "List" or "Single"

The mode argument specifies whether all blocks should be matched first and send to the parser ("List") or if they should be fed in one-by-one "Single". This often provides a tradeoff between parsing efficiency and memory efficiency.

The parser can be any function, but commonly is built off of a Parsers.StringParser. See the documentation for StringParser for more.

You can add to GaussianLogComponents at runtime. Not all changes need to be integrated directly into the file.

Creating Parsers

As a concrete example, for a simple property the coordinates, there is a series of blocks each of which looks like

 Center     Atomic      Atomic             Coordinates (Angstroms)
 Number     Number       Type             X           Y           Z
      1          8           0        0.000000    0.000000    0.000000
      2          1           0        0.000000    0.000000    0.565929
      3          1           0        0.549420    0.000000   -0.135695

and the corresponding StringParser looks like

You don’t need to use a StringParser.
It can just be convenient for declaring complicated patterns in a way that can be parsed efficiently.

header_pattern = Named(
        min=3, max=3,
    "GaussianStuff", handler=StringParser.array_handler(dtype=int)
coords_pattern = Named(
    "Coordinates", handler=StringParser.array_handler(dtype=float)
CartParser = StringParser(
    Repeating((header_pattern, coords_pattern), suffix=Optional(Newline))

There’s quite a bit going on here, but each bit is straightforward.

First off, we note that in the data we actually want, Gaussian puts three ints before each x y z triple. We capture this by the header_pattern, which is given the name "GaussianStuff" and which declares a set of exactly three repeating positive integers that we want to capture in the output, joined and ended by whitespace. We want to then take these and save them as an array of ints (the handler field)

Second, we have a named "Coordinates" block which is identical to the header_pattern except we capture plain Numbers (i.e. positive or negative floats) and save the results as an array of floats.

Then we string these two patterns together in a repeating block joined by newlines.

Next, we need to tell the system how to identify these blocks. To do so we need a start and end tag.

For that, we declare the patterns

cart_delim = """ --------------------------------------------------------------"""
cartesian_start_tag = FileStreamerTag(
    """Center     Atomic      Atomic             Coordinates (Angstroms)""",
cartesian_end_tag = cart_delim

The cartesian_start_tag tells the code where to start looking. It first finds the line

Center     Atomic      Atomic             Coordinates (Angstroms)

and then follows that up by looking for cart_delim, as specified by follow_ups.

Finally, we declare the actual parser function we’ll use which will take the list of identified blocks and apply the StringParser we defined like so

def cartesian_coordinates_parser(strs):
    strss = "\n\n".join(strs)

    parse = CartParser.parse_all(strss)

    coords = (
        parse["GaussianStuff", 0],

    return coords

where this returns each array of coordinates and the first match of the GaussianStuff (we assume they’re all the same).

A regular function that uses string.split and friends would have worked here too. It would have just been a little bit more involved. A regex would also work, and is what StringPattern uses under the hood.

Finally, we register the parser as

GaussianLogComponents["CartesianCoordinates"] = {
    "tag_start": cartesian_start_tag,
    "tag_end"  : cartesian_end_tag,
    "parser"   : cartesian_coordinates_parser,
    "mode"     : "List"

There are few different coordinate orientations that Gaussian uses, and we get the different orientations by matching different tags. For instance, we get the Z-matrix oriented coordinates like so

GaussianLogComponents["ZMatCartesianCoordinates"] = {
    "tag_start": FileStreamerTag('''Z-Matrix orientation:''', follow_ups = (cart_delim, cart_delim)),
    "tag_end"  : cartesian_end_tag,
    "parser"   : cartesian_coordinates_parser,
    "mode"     : "List"

where the reader now initially looks for the tag Z-Matrix orientation: and then skips over the delimiters twice.

Dealing with Optimizations

We can use the same type of trick to deal with parameters coming from optimizations. For instance, to get the dipole moments from a relaxed scan, we do the following

tag_start  = " Dipole        ="
tag_end    = " Optimization"

def convert_D_number(a, **kw):
    import numpy as np
    return np.array([float(s.replace("D", "E")) for s in a])
DNumberPattern = RegexPattern((Number, "D", Integer), dtype=float)
OptimizedDipolesParser = StringParser(
            "Dipole", "=",
                Capturing(DNumberPattern, handler=convert_D_number),

def parser(mom):
    """Parses dipole block, but only saves the dipole of the optimized structure"""
    import numpy as np

    mom = "Dipole  =" + mom
    # print(">>>>>", mom)
    grps = OptimizedDipolesParser.parse_iter(mom)
    match = None
    for match in grps:

    if match is None:
        return np.array([])
    return match.value.array
    # else:
    #     grp = match.value
    #     dip_list = [x.replace("D", "E") for x in grp]
    #     dip_array = np.asarray(dip_list)
    #     return dip_array.astype("float64")

mode       = "List"
parse_mode = "Single"

GaussianLogComponents["OptimizedDipoleMoments"] = {
    "tag_start" : tag_start,
    "tag_end"   : tag_end,
    "parser"    : parser,
    "mode"      : mode,
    "parse_mode": parse_mode

The StringParser is not much more sophisticated than the one for the Cartesian coordinates, with the caveat that we need to convert D to E to allow python to recognize the floats. The conversion could have been made more efficient, but it is perhaps edifying to see what a simplistic handler looks like.

The tag_start simply looks for a mention of Dipole and the tag_end looks for the Optimization tag. This will identify the block between when the dipole moment is first printed and the optimization completes. As the dipole moment is expected to be printed multiple times in this block, we then need to skip to the final time the dipole moment is printed and only use that value.

We handle this in the parser function by first adding the tag_start back onto the matched string and then using OptimizedDipolesParser.parse_iter to create an iterator that allows us to loop over the blocks that match the pattern declared above. We do nothing for all of these matches, just exhausting the iterator.

Once the iterator has been run dry, the value of match is the final match found by the OptimizedDipolesParser. If no matches were found, the value of match defaults to None and we do nothing.

Finally, we allow the match to actually parse out the dipole moment by accessing its value attribute, and then we return the array from that which contains the matched dipole moment.

GJF Setup

Support is also provided for the automatic generation of Gaussian job files (.gjf) through the GaussianJob class.



