
Defines a 1D finite difference over a regular grid


__init__(self, order, stencil=None, accuracy=4, end_point_accuracy=2, **kw): 
  • order: int

    the order of the derivative to take

  • stencil: int | None

    the number of stencil points to add

  • accuracy: int | None

    the approximate accuracy to target with the method

  • end_point_accuracy: int | None

    the extra number of stencil points to add to the end points

  • kw: Any

    options passed through to the FiniteDifferenceMatrix


finite_difference_data(order, stencil, end_point_precision): 

Builds a FiniteDifferenceData object from an order, stencil, and end_point_precision

  • order: Any
  • stencil: Any
  • end_point_precision: Any
  • :returns: _


get_weights(m, s, n): 

Extracts the weights for an evenly spaced grid

  • m: Any
  • s: Any
  • n: Any
  • :returns: _



Defines a 1D finite difference over a regular grid

Properties and Methods

finite_difference_data: method


__init__(self, order, stencil=None, accuracy=4, end_point_accuracy=2, **kw): 
  • order: int

    the order of the derivative to take

  • stencil: int | None

    the number of stencil points to add

  • accuracy: int | None

    the approximate accuracy to target with the method

  • end_point_accuracy: int | None

    the extra number of stencil points to add to the end points

  • kw: Any

    options passed through to the FiniteDifferenceMatrix


get_weights(m, s, n): 

Extracts the weights for an evenly spaced grid

  • m: Any

    No description…

  • s: Any

    No description…

  • n: Any

    No description…

  • :returns: _

    No description…


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