
Reloads a module & recursively descends its ‘all’ tree to make sure that all submodules are also reloaded

blacklist_keys: list


__init__(self, modspec): 
  • modspec: str | types.ModuleType

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Returns module parents

  • :returns: _

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Returns module members

  • :returns: _

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reload_member(self, member, stack=None, reloaded=None, blacklist=None, reload_parents=True, verbose=False, print_indent=''): 


reload(self, stack=None, reloaded=None, blacklist=None, reload_parents=True, verbose=False, print_indent=''): 

Recursively searches for modules to reload and then reloads them. Uses a cache to break cyclic dependencies of any sort. This turns out to also be a challenging problem, since we need to basically load depth-first, while never jumping too far back…

  • :returns: _

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